Thursday, January 31, 2013

Gearing up!

Yesterday I got my guidebook in the mail! I am excited to crack it open and get the real planning started. It's like a thick and glossy smut novel for hikers ;)
Today I got a new pack in the mail!(A belated birthday present to myself) Although I am not sure that I will use it on my hike, I can get all my gear, food (4days-ish) and water (2L) in it! It's a sleek little Osprey Talon 33 and I love it <3. My fear is that if I end up having to take on some of my pooch's load, it'll be too small. I know for sure that I do not want to use my Jansport Klamath 68. While I used it for most of my AT thru-hike, it was just too big. I always had lots of space left over in it, even with the brain off.
This is probably my favorite part of planning, I love geeking out on gear. I know that I shouldn't buy all new gear, but it's oh-so tempting! I want to buy a new tent because from what I have read, hammocking is a pain (sorry Hennessy Hammock - you will be missed!) and my lovely pup ate the zipper off my 2-man tent. I am looking at the Big Agnes Fly Creek UL 1 person tent, but I'm not ready to settle on it yet. Oh the options!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Denver to Durango

These two ladies are at it again. While not so ambitious as a 2,181 mile thru-hike, it's a thru-hike none-the-less. This summer we will start our adventure on the Colorado Trail. It is just under 500 miles and goes from Denver to Durango. Sounds fun, right? We think so too, and we want to include you in our fun. Follow along as we plan and execute our hike.